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Should You Buy or Lease a Hand Dryer?

Should You Buy or Lease a Hand Dryer?

Should You Buy or Lease a Hand Dryer?

Hand dryers offer many advantages over paper towels in the washroom, and the reasons to switch are plentiful (if you’re curious, we do a deep dive into why to switch to hand dryers here). But when making the change, or simply looking to update your washroom, the question of whether to buy or lease will no doubt arise. This article aims to offer some insight and help you make your decision.

Reasons to buy a hand dryer

Cost effectiveness

Although the initial outlay will be more, over the life of the hand dryer the cost of buying outright will be less than renting. Once the initial cost is covered, other than electricity there is no other expenditure required, making it probably cheaper in the long run.


When purchasing, you will have complete control over the model and colour of the hand dryer. Whereas when leasing you may be limited to what is available at the time, or to a supplier’s preferred option. This means that the hand dryer may not fit with the overall aesthetic of your building or office. But when buying you are in complete control and can ensure that the dryer fits perfectly with its surroundings.

Control over maintenance

To get the most out of your hand dryers they will require regular maintenance. But if you have in-house capabilities for this then you are in complete control of this schedule. This can therefore be planned around what is convenient for you – which in turn can reduce downtime and potential costs.

Reasons to rent a hand dryer

Lower initial outlay

When leasing, there is only the small monthly fee to pay. For some businesses, a regular smaller payment is more advantageous than a large initial outlay. This management of cashflow can be a very high priority to some businesses. Along with this, renting also enables you to write off the cost as an expense rather than depreciate as a capital asset.

Inclusive maintenance

Rental agreements are often inclusive of maintenance and repairs. For businesses that lack the internal capabilities to repair a hand dryer, this is vital. This could very well lower long-term costs, it may also be more convenient as it is just a simple phone call to start the ball rolling on repairing or maintaining your hand dryer.


Hand dryer technology is constantly evolving, as is building design and fashions. Leasing would allow you to be more flexible with your hand dryer, keeping up to date with the latest technology and trends as they emerge.

Each approach to hand dryer ownership has got its own merits. If you are unsure of which way to go then just drop us a line. We have in-house experts that would love to help you find the perfect hand dryer package for your situation. You can call us on 0114 3540047, or see our contact page

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