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The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012

South Farnborough Junior School Case Study

South Farnborough Junior School Case Study

South Farnborough Junior School is a non-denominational Junior School catering for boys and girls from seven to eleven years of age, situated in Farnborough, Hampshire. It caters for approximately 400 pupils and has a Resourced Provision for Learning Difficulties that provides provision for 20 children.

The Challenge 

The school had conventional hand dryers in place that were about 15 years old. They had a slow dry time of around 30 seconds and a rated power of 2300 kW, which isn’t very energy efficient for a hand dryer. They wanted something more cost effective, as they were renting the machines and it was costing them a lot of money year on year. 

The results:

  • Estimated annual cost to use old hand dryers: £644*
  • Estimated annual cost to use new hand dryers: £235.20* 
  • Annual cost savings: £408.80*
  • Payback period: approx. 2.4 years

They are really good, compact, quiet, easy to keep clean and most of all reliable. The children seem to like the fact there is no button to push.

Graeme Davie - Premises Manager

The Dryflow Classic PLUS MKII 

Fact File:

  • Air speed - 100 MPH
  • Dry time - 10 - 15 Seconds
  • Expected motor life - 17,000 Hours
  • Low noise - Yes
  • Motor speed - 7,100 RPM
  • Motor type - Brushed Motor
  • Recommended daily uses - 1000 (Extreme Traffic)

Providing a great balance between low noise levels, energy efficiency and quick dry times. This highly robust hand dryer has a motor expectancy that exceeds all others on the market.

Enjoy an Intelligent chat.

With the largest selections of hand dryers in the UK, distributing from our own warehouse, the friendly team at Intelligent Facility Solutions are on hand to help you discover your perfect hand dryer solution - whatever your business type. Call us on  0114 3540047 or contact us here. You can see our full range of hand dryers for schools here

*Based on £0.20 per kWh. Based on average 143 paper towels per £1 spent, using 1 paper towel per dry.


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