Call for expert advice: 0114 3540047 or 0203 3270448

The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012


Partner with us for exclusive benefits

We can become your extra salesperson, your industry expert that helps you win more business and deliver the understanding your customers need

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More reasons to partner with us

We supply wholesalers up and down the country from local independents to national groups.

We look to actively support wholesalers by being a one stop for all your sales team’s enquiries.

We have the knowledge and expertise to find the right products, at the right price for your customers. Discounts are in direct correlation to your commitment to working with us, whether that be in terms of stock or allowing us to work closely on projects with you.

Stocking distributors receive the best prices and support, so contact us today to find out how much more we can do for you.

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