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The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012


The UK’s sustainable hand dryer and washroom supplier — saving you money, time, and energy.

About Us

The Intelligent way to operate

We’re a hand dryer and commercial washroom supplier with a deep commitment to customer service, and a strong set of values.

We’re all about people. Our customers. Our team. The world we live in.

As you’ll see from this About page, we make a lot of commitments.

We’re committed to leading the hand dryer supply industry by being the most sustainable company we can be. We’re committed to being the kind of employer that people deserve. And we’re committed to giving back to the community we operate in.

Luckily we have a tight knit team, and we keep each other accountable. We deliver on our promises, and we take action on our values.

Everything we do is geared towards solving problems for our customers, delivering long-term value, and combining great customer service with environmentally sound business practices.

  • We’re moving towards employee-ownership, meaning that our team has a stake in the success and direction of the business. When we succeed, our employees succeed.

    And because we’re in it together, and take pride in our work — our customers can count on exceptional, personable customer service.

  • Over the years, we’ve combined our knowledge of the commercial washroom market and our passion for sustainability to develop innovative new products.

    From toilet paper made from the most sustainable choice of material possible, with the lowest carbon footprint in the world — to new washroom accessories designed for new and previously underserved markets.

  • We support a range of charities every financial year, making good on our promise to give back to the wider community. sees us donating to a range of charities.

    Charities we support include: Action This Day, Self Help UK, Children's Hospital — and community charities local to Sheffield such as food banks, schools, and grassroots football clubs.

  • Living Wage Employer

    We’ve always wanted to reward the hard work and dedication shown by our employees. Our Living Wage commitment helps us achieve it.

    As an accredited Living Wage employer, we are committed to paying our employees a fair day’s wage.

    The real Living Wage hourly rate is independently calculated on an annual basis, according to the cost of living in the UK. This rate is currently paid voluntarily by more than 6,000 UK businesses. Like us, they believe their employees deserve a fair day’s pay, and enough money to live comfortably in exchange for their work.

A Climate Neutral Company

Certified by Climate Partner as a Carbon Neutral company.

Sustainability is a massive commitment for us — so we take responsibility for our entire carbon footprint.

Our calculations include the raw materials, production and disposal of the products we sell. We also take into account our operations as a company, including the emissions created by our people travelling to work.

Many companies claim carbon neutrality by offsetting only their directly produced emissions, like their office energy and cars. The regulations for this are currently not strict enough. So we chose to leave nothing out.

Our deeply ingrained commitment to carbon neutrality and sustainability means we will always go to great lengths to know our real impact, and to reduce and offset it as much as we can.

1% for the Planet

Sustainability and social responsibility drive a lot of the choices we make as a business.

We were inspired by the global movement of businesses giving 1% of their sales to non-profit groups working on the front line of environmental preservation around the world — so we joined.

As a member of 1% For The Planet, 1% of everything we sell goes towards meaningful environmental action.

Leave it as you found it

Our ‘leave it as you found it' mantra helps us bring our values to life on a day to day basis.

Sustainable Choices

By stocking products that are responsibly produced, and perform well – we work to make an impact, and reduce the waste of resources like energy, water and materials.

We stock great value automatic sensor taps which help to reduce water waste. Our industry leading hand dryer ranges save energy, and money. And we’re also committed to eradicate the use of paper towels in washrooms, due to the negative impact they have compared to hand dryers.

  • We work together with our customers, partners and colleagues to understand and reduce our impact on the environment. Making positive and simple adjustments can go a long way.

    We do our own research, always seeking to understand and reduce the impact of the materials used, across our entire supply chain.

    As we grow, we use our influence to work with suppliers to remove unnecessary packing, use less impactful materials in manufacturing, and reuse parts.

  • We’re big fans of circular economy thinking, and making sure that materials are reused whenever possible. With our Infinite Life Scheme, we offer a customer guarantee to ensure our hand dryers never end up in a landfill.

    First off, we stock high quality products — and offer some of the longest guarantees and repair promises in our industry. Meaning that faulty hand dryers get repaired, and looked after, rather than discarded.

    And we take end-of-life items off your hands, and break them apart to find new uses for the components.

  • Once we’ve broken apart end-of-life machines into their components and materials — our incredible in-house engineering team repurpose the old parts for use in refurbishment projects.

    Anything that cannot be used, we put back into the system. We recycle at certified centres using the proper methods, and we take care to consider the environmental impact of the materials, and our recycling processes.

Meet The Team

  • Andrew Cameron


  • Barry Dunn

    Managing Director

  • Mustapha Aldalou

    Commercial Development Director

  • Casey Froggatt

    Operations Manager

  • James Carter

    Wholesale Account Manager

  • Aggie Heeley

    Finance Manager

  • Tam McPherson

    Communications and Returns

  • James Marvin

    eCommerce Manager

  • Ewan Burkinshaw

    Digital Marketing Manager

  • Stephen Twomey

    UK Purchasing & Logistics Manager

  • Rich Marvin

    Shipping and Stock Control Supervisor

  • Kyle Dunn

    Shipping, Returns and Warranty

  • Benjamin Last

    Inbound and Returns

  • Jane Acton

    Accounts Payable

  • Tom Roberts

    Worldwide Purchasing & Sourcing Manager

  • Mark Ashcroft

    Head of Creative

  • Lindsay Hewson

    Graphic Design

  • Molly Sutton

    Graphic Design & Marketing Assistant

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