When it comes to carbon emissions, hand dryers are a hot topic.
This debate has raged, and we are happy to report the science came back in our favour.
Is it better for the environment to dry your hands with paper towels, or use the hand dryer?
It’s hand dryers. Hands down.
Using two paper towels releases around 56 grams of carbon emissions. Using a modern, energy-efficient hand dryer releases as few as 9.
(People are often surprised to learn that hand dryers are more cost-effective than paper towels. If you want a deeper dive on this, read our blog post for
3 reasons to ditch paper towels right now
As a hand dryer supply company, we feel positively vindicated. It’s been settled, once and for all.
But we didn’t want to stop there.
We know the industry can do better.
We understand that every single manufacturing and supply industry on the planet has a responsibility to contribute towards net zero, now.
So we set about sourcing the most energy-efficient, responsibility manufactured hand dryers in the world.
And this is how we became the proud suppliers of Dryflows World’s First Carbon Neutral Hand Dryer Range .

We love that the hand dryer industry is headed towards efficiency, and innovation.
Modern hand dryers use up to 80% less power than many of the out of date models you still see in rundown restrooms. If you add up all the hand dryers in all the bathrooms in commercial buildings, that is a vast reduction in energy usage.
Which isn’t just good for the environment. Show us a business owner these days who couldn’t do with cheaper electricity bills?

We’ve sold hand dryers for years.
Hand dryer supply (with excellent customer service) is our bread and butter.
But the beating heart of our business is all about impact.
As our business has grown, we’ve bucked up our ideas about the impact we can make.
We’re working hard all the time on being a sustainability trend setter in our industry. At the same time as serving our customers, and growing our revenue.
It’s a philosophy that spreads into the business in a few different ways. We’re keen community litter pickers, and we’re really proud to be in the process of becoming an employee-owned business .
We somehow hit headlines with what became a slight obsession amongst the team for reducing single use plastic in the office.
And we supply hand dryers for a lot of businesses who are just as passionate about reducing their impact as we are.
Sustainability is a win-win, as far as we can see.
Cheaper bills, better products, and buying choices that help to push the world towards net zero.
And frankly, we all need to get on board with that in any way we can.
We think that how things are made is important.
Manufacturers in all sectors have been granted a carte blanche for too long, and it’s causing us all major environmental problems.
Vast amounts of materials are wasted and unnecessary emissions created through lazy, inefficient processes.
Buying from responsible, sustainable manufactures also means you’re much more likely to be buying a better quality, better designed product.
So whether you’re the kind of business owner who cares more about sustainability, or cheaper bills — the kind of energy-efficient, carbon-neutral hand dryers we stock in this range are good for business.
Looking for a sustainable hand dryer and commercial washroom supplier?
The UK’s only carbon neutral hand dryer retailer. Industry leading customer service. Speak to one of our team on 0114 3540047 or 0203 3270448 .