South Farnborough Junior School Case Study
The school had conventional hand dryers in place that were about 15 years old. They had a slow dry time of around 30 seconds and a rated power of 2300 kW, which isn’t very...
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The school had conventional hand dryers in place that were about 15 years old. They had a slow dry time of around 30 seconds and a rated power of 2300 kW, which isn’t very...
The school was undergoing a refurb. It was decided they wanted a space saving and energy efficient product which was also value for money. They were to replace slow drying, high energy using conventional hand...
The school were previously using paper hand towels as the method of drying the hands after visiting the washroom. They decided to replace these with energy efficient hand dryers to...
Both male and female student washrooms were to be fully refurbished in the main building as they were tired looking and the busiest in a school with 1200+ students. The...
Cambridge University has a number of sites across the city of Cambridge. The site of this case study was the Sidgwick Site which is the home of the Faculty of...