3 reasons to ditch paper towels right now
A hand dryer supply company on a crusade against paper towels? Yeah, you read that right. Intelligent Hand Dryers is leading the charge against the unrecyclable, messy, expensive scourge littering...
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A hand dryer supply company on a crusade against paper towels? Yeah, you read that right. Intelligent Hand Dryers is leading the charge against the unrecyclable, messy, expensive scourge littering...
In today’s world, cost is an important consideration for businesses and public facilities. While hand dryers might seem like a more expensive option than paper towels, it’s...
Updated 7/10/22 The cost-of-living crisis being felt across Britain and globally. While the focus is rightly on gas and electric prices, the average UK household is also experiencing price increases...
Have you ever considered how much water you waste when simply washing your hands? We conducted an experiment with some interesting results. This post highlights why we should all be...
This blog is meant to be a summary of a more comprehensive post we wrote titled Why is saving water important?
Water is all around us isn’t it? Rivers, lakes, the sea you swam in on holiday or live near to. There seems to be an endless supply. So why do...