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The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012

Fittleworth C E Village School Case Study

Fittleworth C E Village School Case Study

Fittleworth Village School is a Group 1 Church of England School in the Western Area of the West Sussex Education Authority. It provides education for approx. 125 children aged 4-11 years. Opened in July 1990, it comprises 5 classrooms, a library, a curriculum kitchen and additional work areas.

One of its main aims is to provide a happy, healthy, stimulating and safe learning environment within which adults and children feel empowered to take risks and fulfil their potential.

The challenge

The school were previously using paper hand towels as the method of drying the hands after visiting the washroom. They decided to replace these with energy efficient hand dryers to reduce paper.

The results

  • Annual paper towel cost: £1,284 (based on 0.4p per paper towel)
  • Annual cost to use new equipment: £37.45 - £124.83 (based on 14p per kW/h)
  • Annual cost savings: £1,159.17 - £1,246.55
  • Payback period: approx. 1.29 – 1.38 years

The hand dryers have massively reduced the amount of paper used. Very happy with them.

Liz Wilmshurst - Admin Manager, Fittleworth C E Village School

The Dryflow Viper

  • Key benefits: Fast drying, low noise, cost saving
  • Rated power: 0.6 kW - 2 kW | 2.5 - 8.33 Wh per dry

This Quiet Mark approved unit with blade technology is one of the quietest in its class. You can turn off the heater element to further decrease the energy use and running costs. Two angled blades of air dry both hands separately yet at the same time. 

Enjoy an Intelligent chat.

With the largest selections of hand dryers in the UK, distributing from our own warehouse, the friendly team at Intelligent Facility Solutions are on hand to help you discover your perfect hand dryer solution - whatever your business type. Call us on  0114 3540047 or contact us here. You can see our full range of hand dryers for schools here

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