Call for expert advice: 0114 3540047 or 0203 3270448

The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012

Do you have persistent issues with wet floors in your washroom/restroom?

Maybe you are looking into using non-slip mats or flooring due to persistent issues with wet floors and weighing up the impact of the additional maintenance or disruption and cost. If this is the case or you are simply beginining your search for a solution, there is a more manageable and effective solution….an over the sink, tap hand dryer.

Dryflow Dri-tap

The Dryflow Dri-tap brings great benefits to any commercial of household washroom design. In order to dry hands in a washroom, the user is normally washes their hands and is then forced to travel to another location to dry with either paper/cotton towels or hand dryers. The result is a trail of water, causing a potentially slip hazard and a pooling of water around the drying area, creating ongoing cleaning work.

A common-sense solution

The Dryflow Dri-tap is a hand dryer that fits over the wash basin, allowing the excess water to be channelled into the sink and down the drain, no slip hazards, no mess, just an efficient, minimalist and elegant washroom experience. No dispensers or hand dryers on the walls, no disposal bins.

The other notable advantage of the Dryflow Dri-tap in a public environment, is that is prevents queues forming for the hand dryer or the paper towel dispenser making it ideal for high traffic locations, like service stations, stadiums or factories with big shift change overs. The user may have to wait a little longer for the sink in peak times, but the fact there is a dryer per sink cuts overall visit times.


Dyson have their tap and dryer combination unit which introduced the ‘over the sink’ concept to the market. This is a great product, especially if considered during the design stage. However, the Dryflow Dri-tap offers an exceptional opportunity to retrofit. If you have already paid £300 for a high-quality tap, I imagine you would be reluctant to pay £1100 plus for a Dyson tap dryer to replace it, the Dryflow Dri-tap offers an affordable opportunity.

Retrofitting the counter top version into some basins may require considerable care. In a public bathroom where there are a counter tops, it’s easy to create a retrofit and conceal all the mechanical workings of the beautifully designed tap. The wall mounted version offers even greater possibilities.

Effective, energy efficient drying with a smooth sound level

With effective 12-15 second dry times, rated power of just 500 watts and a 71 dB(A) noise output, the Dryflow Dri-tap will dry 1000 pairs of hand for just 19p-25p! If you were using paper this could be costing you upwards of £15. That’s a 98% cost savings!

The thin air outlets, provide a highly concentrated sheet of air which controls the water movement into the direction of the bowl. Noise levels are smooth and comparable with traditional dryers.

For more information please don’t hestitate to contact us on 0114 3540047 or visit the website

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