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5 Choices to Design a Minimalist Commercial Washroom

5 Choices to Design a Minimalist Commercial Washroom


Public buildings are characterised by the comings and goings of crowds of users. Using minimalism in interior design can balance the clutter and soothe the spirit during the visit. This art movement consists of preferring simplicity . Since elements should only be the essential, furniture will be scarce, multipurpose and basic in shape, lines and surface.

1) Condense objects

First of all, an analysis of the space, its goals and number of daily uses would lead to the overall capacity required. Can we select two waste bins instead of six? Are there combination units that offer several products in one saving space and movements?

2) Place them harmoniously

Fittings could mount naturally from the walls, floor or ceiling, at the same height of each other as well as aligned and without obstructing guests. In this regard, besides surface mounted products, at the planning stage of the project, recessed and semirecessed accessories are a great option that aim at invading the room as little as possible.

3) Consider specialist designs

Among the assortment of layouts in the market, we can find ranges that stand out for their plain design with clean lines and flat finishes. For example, Bobrick TrimLineSeries™ items have 90-degree angles on all corners and openings, a slimline profile and concealed flanges.

4) Pick a small colour palette

Though most go for one neutral colour like the grey of satin stainless steel, the idea is selecting as few colour shades as possible. This does not necessarily mean quiting bright or strong colours, just combining them prudently; a minimalist commercial washroom can be composed of navy fittings on a pale blue wall.

5) Respect the pattern

Consistency between objects is born if all the design components share the same path. In other words, the likelihood of cohesion is higher when the items belong to the same collection, manufacturer or trend. We could put a few minimalist designed products in one room and the result could be unsettling because the elements do not follow one pattern.

In the quest for neat, simple living in a world of abundance, public toilets are only one sphere of many. Today we can see the minimalist trend on both apps and web interfaces, hotels or work spaces. Less is more, more and more often.

For more information or for help in finding your ideal hand dryer or washroom product, please contact us. IFS has currently offices in the UK, Ireland and Australia , supplying all over the world reknown brands, quality products and diverse series, like the Basic White, Designer Colours or Contura. You can also use our Intelligent Search Tool that helps you identify the perfect dryer for your location by clicking here .

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