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A Buying Guide to WRAS Approved Automatic Sensor Taps

A Buying Guide to WRAS Approved Automatic Sensor Taps

A Buying Guide to WRAS Approved Automatic Sensor Taps

We’ve already discussed how to choose the best sensor tap for your requirements, but If you’ve been asked to spec WRAS approved sensor taps , or you prefer your products to have this, then the post highlights some of the best on the market. If you’re unfamiliar with what WRAS approval is, then we’ve got that covered below too.

The 17 best WRAS approved automatic sensor taps for 2022 include:

Here’s them all at a glance for you to compare.

Product Power supply Flow rate at 3bar pressure Mixer tap? Connector Price
AQUAZONE AQUAECO Mono Sensor Tap Battery or Mains 5 lpm No 1/2 £186.40
AQUAZONE SAVOIA Mono Sensor Tap Battery or Mains 5.2 lpm No 1/2 £186.40
AQUAZONE AQUAECO Mono MIXER Sensor Tap Battery or Mains 5 lpm Yes 1/2 £203.32
Franke AQUA131 Protronic-S Sensor Tap Battery 6 lpm No G3-8 £150.55
Franke AQUA130 Protronic-S MIXER Sensor Tap Battery 6 lpm Yes G3-8 £162.00
AQUAZONE AQUAECO High Mono Sensor Tap Battery or Mains 3.7 lpm No 1/2 £180.40
Franke AQUA135 Protronic-S Sensor Tap Mains 6 lpm No G3-8 £200.20
Franke AQUA134 Protronic-S MIXER Sensor Tap Mains 6 lpm Yes G3-8 £205.90
Franke F3EM1001 F3E-Mix Electronic Pillar MIXER Sensor Tap Battery 6 lpm Yes G3-8 £232.50
Franke F3EM1003 F3E-Mix Electronic Pillar MIXER Sensor Tap

Mains 6 lpm Yes G3-8 £259.25
Franke F5EM1001 F5E-mix Electronic Pillar MIXER Battery 4.8 lpm Yes G3-8 £318.00
Franke F5EM1003 F5E-mix Electronic Pillar MIXER Mains 4.8 lpm Yes G3-8 £344.00
AQUAZONE AQUAECO Concealed Sensor Tap Battery or Mains 3.7 lpm No 1/2 £161.55
AQUAZONE AQUAECO Round Concealed Sensor Tap Battery or Mains 5 lpm No 1/2 £192.42
AQUAZONE SMOOTH Concealed Sensor Tap Battery or Mains N/A No 1/2 £194.56
AQUAZONE AQUAECO Square Concealed Sensor Tap Battery or Mains 5 lpm No 1/2 £204.80
Dryflow® Tri-Tap Water Sensor Tap Battery or Mains 5.7 lpm No 1/2 £295.00

All prices ex VAT and correct at time of post published date

What are WRAS approved taps?

WRAS stands for Water Regulations Advisory Scheme . A product approved by WRAS certification means you can guarantee it’s met the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations or Scottish Byelaws requirement that a water fitting should not cause waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of the water supply and must be ‘of an appropriate quality and standard’.

Whilst WRAS approval isn’t compulsory (as of the time of writing), the criteria to meet Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations or Scottish Byelaws is. Any part of a water system, from source at the building boundary to the point of discharge e.g. tap, washing machine etc. has to show, when inspected, that it doesn’t waste water or contaminate it in any way.

A product (and its non-metallic materials such as rubber components) approved by WRAS will have been subject to stringent mechanical and water quality testing protocols. Giving a supplier, installer and end user the confidence and peace of mind, they have a safe and superior water appliance (as long as it has been installed correctly of course!)

In a word no. There are a number of schemes that show a product has been tested to meet the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations or Scottish Byelaws. This is just one way to prove that the product you have used, meets the criteria and standards.

As well as this, just because a product doesn’t have WRAS approval, it no way means it’s unsafe, doesn’t meet the regulations and that it isn’t an outstanding quality product. Taps will be tested in different ways to make sure they’re made using the correct materials, that they don’t affect the taste or smell of the water and that they don’t promote the growth of microorganisms.

The schemes are voluntary, but available as a way of showing compliance with the regulations without someone having to seek out further information. But obviously, a WRAS approved sensor tap will have quality and safety assured because of the lengthy, in depth and thorough testing process it has gone through. This is one of the reasons some specifications are requesting WRAS approved taps, as although they are not a legal requirement, they’re a guaranteed and widely accepted way of showing the product meets the regulations.

Who are WRAS?

WRAS give direct support to 26 water companies across the UK. Because they work closely with the companies, are accepted by them to help set safety and quality standards, they’re well recognised in the plumbing industry. This is probably one of the reasons for the popularity of WRAS approved products, such as taps, and why they’re being sought after.

They’re funded by the water companies to provide education and facilitate best practice, as well as being a central hub for all of them to communicate. They also run a Water Industry Approved Plumber Scheme in England and Wales to ensure people can find plumbers who are suitably qualified and abide by water regulation rules when fitting and maintaining.

To view the complete range of sensor taps with WRAS approval see here

Our complete range of commercial sensor taps can be found on our main website

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