Call for expert advice: 0044 114 3540047 or 0044 203 3270448

The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012

The last hand dryer you'll ever need to buy

Register your product(s) for a FREE 1st year onsite warranty and activate you interest in a Lifetime Guarantee
  • What happens once I register my FREE 1-year onsite warranty?

    We trust our products which is why we back them with the longest guarantees in the market. However, we understand a fault can occur occasionally with any product.

    We want to give you peace of mind that if a fault should occur within the first year of use, we will take away all the hassle of getting it sorted and come to you to either fix the issue or replace the hand dryer.

    All you need to do is register the product using the above form and then contact us in the unlikely event of a fault in the first year.

  • What is a Lifetime Guarantee?

    We want to see your products last to:

    1. reduce your costs
    2. reduce the carbon emissions created by manufacturing a new product
    3. reduce waste.

    Once your product is out of guarantee you can go onto an annual plan that means in the event of a breakdown we will repair or replace it for no extra cost FOREVER!

Caring for products and producing less is the cornerstone of building a sustainable future. Let's work together!

Reuse and recycle your old hand dryer

Key points

You'll keep your old hand dryer out of landfill
You'll get money off a new one
We'll put the old one back in service for reuse elsewhere
If it can't be repaired it will be used for parts
As a last resort every part will be properly upcycled / recycled.

If we cannot fix it or it has just become too tatty it will become part of our Infinity Life Project. We will replace all of it or some of it and re-use what we can of the old dryer, either to make a new product or refurbish another. The rest of the waste will be recycled with the lowest possible environmental impact.

More Info

Introducing the extremely eco-friendly Infinity Life Project. You can give us any old hand dryer that might be a little bit rusty, might be going out of warranty, or you might just be looking to upgrade. Instead of just throwing it out and sending it off to landfill you can return it to us for cashback off your next dryer.

If we can't fix these dryers, what we make sure we do is put every single part to use, so we're staying as environmentally friendly as possible.

We'll arrange collection on these dryers so it's another thing you don't have to worry about. We'll recondition them so that they can be put back into our system for reuse as reconditioned units. Alternatively, we can give them to charity.

At Intelligent Facility Solutions we're trying to eliminate as much waste as possible. We're trying to Reduce, Reuse before we Recycle. Hand dryers already reduce waste compared to paper towels and we're trying to eliminate that further.

Waste damages the planet. Landfills negatively contribute to climate change. The Infinity Life Project aims to keep every part of a hand dryer out of landfill

The old hand dryer will be made good to reuse, giving it a new life, or every part will be used again in some way, keeping it from a landfill

When we do an install, we can remove your dryer from site and have it recycled at a WEEE approved location or refurbished and given to charity.

Alternatively, feel free to keep it to fit in another location.

Whatever you do, don’t dump in with your general waste!

Hand dryers have massive environmental benefits, please help us to make sure your dryer is disposed of correctly!

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