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Heavy Duty Hair Dryers

Hair Dryers for Public Areas

We have a full range of heavy duty hair dryers with long-life powerful motors and IP rated layouts, designed for high traffic facilities where there will be multiple users in a day. Contact us for multi-supply options and installation! 

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Hair Dryers for Public Areas

We have a full range of heavy duty hair dryers with long-life powerful motors and IP rated layouts, designed for high traffic facilities where there will be multiple users in a day. Contact us for multi-supply options and installation! 

Heavy Duty Hair Dryers For Public Washrooms

Out heavy duty hair dryers include models from Valera and Mediclinics designed for high traffic areas, such as public leisure centres and communal spaces. We also have a range of coin operated hair dryers, which take a twenty pence coin and operate for a fixed length of time. These will often pay for themselves in a relatively short time. These come with mirrors attached so can be located anywhere within the changing room, not necessarily in front of a vanity unit or mirror. 

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