Buying new energy efficient equipment?
With the seemingly never-ending rises in the cost of energy hitting businesses bottom line in has never been more important to install the most energy efficient products possible and take advantage of government support where it’s on offer.
Helping deliver resource, energy and financial savings – improving cash flow as well!
Manufacturers or suppliers with products that qualify for the Energy Technology List (ETL) are able to demonstrate that they provide energy efficient equipment.
Intelligent Hand Dryers (Intelligent Facility Solutions) are proud to have a product listing on The Energy Technology List, a government list of energy saving products used by businesses. With nearly 17,000 listed products the ETL is one of the world’s largest databases of top performing energy saving products.
Businesses that purchase products listed on the ETL can claim an Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) – a first year 100% accelerated capital allowance that delivers all available tax relief in 1 year. This is equivalent to 5.5 times the benefit of standard tax relief in the year of purchase.
Consider embedding ETL into your procurement processes to ensure your business buys energy saving products.
Doing this will reduce the time it takes your business to find good quality products, and can deliver resource, energy and financial savings.
The specific product that Intelligent Hand Dryers (Intelligent Facility Solutions) have listed on the ETL is the Turboforce Eco Hand Dryer
The ETL and ECA are managed by the Carbon Trust on behalf of the government. More information can be viewed here.
Top 5 reasons to buy off the Energy Technology List (ETL)
- There is continuing pressure on all organisations to focus on reducing their energy consumption and emissions in order to remain competitive due to overall energy cost increases and environmental legislation
- An ECA is claimed through a business’s income or corporation tax return in the same way as any other capital allowance. HMRC is responsible for tax related aspects of the ECA scheme.
- Buying energy efficient equipment results in a lower overall spend on energy, improving cash flow and lowering overheads
- High energy use results in excessive carbon emissions that can further add to a business’s tax costs such as the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme or the Climate Change Levy.
- When replacing equipment, businesses are often tempted to opt for that with the lowest capital cost; however, such immediate cost savings can prove to be a false economy.

The Turboforce hand dryer has gone through stringent criteria to be placed on the list. High speed hand air dryers are included in the scheme if they meet the ETL criteria which include:
- Eligible products must use less than 6.9 kWh of electricity per 1,000 standard drying cycles in its normal mode of operation.
- Automatically switch off power to the blower and air heater (where fitted) when hands are removed from the product’s drying zone
More information is available regarding high speed hand dryers eligible for the Energy Technology List, explaining the requirement and the energy-saving benefits.

Information for purchasers regarding Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) (ETL fact sheet) including how to claim, what costs are included, timing of the claim and products no longer on the list can be viewed by clicking here
We also sell other energy-efficient hand dryers that are on the Energy Technology List (ETL) by other manufacturers.
For more information or for help in finding your ideal commercial hand dryer or washroom product, please call us UK offices: North: 0114 3540047 South: 0203 3270448; Eire office: +353 19036387, or use our contact us page
In the trade? Don’t forget we can set you up with a trade account for your purchases.
We have wholesaler, contractor, public sector and charity discounts available, please don’t hesitate to ask.