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The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012

Soft Touch Wall Mounted Toilet Brush Set

Code: 658GREEN

(Delivery from €34.99)


Finish: Green


  • Dimensions: H480 x W72 base (92 widest part) x D113 (inc holder)
  • ABS impact-resistant and scratch-proof body
  • Soft touch – scratch-resistant layer
  • 100% Made in Italy with certified Italian quality


This toilet brush set is part of our designer 'colours' range. A complete family feel of commercial washroom accessories' is available to match this dispenser, so your whole washroom can be co-ordinated. This is an elegant, slim-line, wall-mounted toilet brush set that continues the family appearance of the Soft Touch line. Wall-mounted offers greater security and ease of cleaning the maintenance staff. The premium quality ABS plastic has an added layer of 'soft touch' paint which not only gives a softer feel, it also adds protection to the main ABS, improving its longevity better than some standard dispensers


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