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B-5837.99 Horizontal Bathroom 32mm Diameter Grab Rail for Two Walls with Peened Gripping Surface (1010 x 1465mm)

Code: B-5837.99

(Delivery from €34.99)


Finish: Brushed Satin


  • Anchor points: 2 walls (corner)
  • Support points: 3
  • Material: brushed AISI 304 stainless steel with peened gripping surface
  • Recycled metal: 65-70%
  • Dimensions: 85 (H) x 1010 (W) x 1465 (D) mm
  • Bars: Ø 32mm
  • Flange covers: Ø 85mm
  • Clearance between the bars and the wall: 38mm
  • Guarantee: 1 year
  • Tested weight resistance: 408 Kg (900 pounds)


This two-wall horizontal grab rail aids mobility in the bathtub and shower, especially for those disabled and the elderly. The granular finish of B-5837.99 provides extra hand grip in comparison with the soft version. The stainless steel bar and its three support points offer a very durable anchor that can withstand up to 408 Kg with the proper mounting. Also, flange covers conceal the fixings, improving the design, avoiding rust and easing cleaning. Please beware that corrosive substances may harm the material, so it is required to use neutral solutions and soft cloths. We advise to check the maintenance tips below.


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