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The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012

Recommended Installation Heights For Hand Dryers?

Recommended Installation Heights For Hand Dryers?

With the arrival of many different types of hand dryers to the UK market, including blade hand dryers, high speed hand dryers and hybrid hand dryers, you may have become less clear about the correct installation heights. Don’t worry this blog gives you the general recommended heights for hand dryers, whatever the type of dryer or whether it is for a installation in a male, female, disabled or children’s washroom (age specific).

Make sure to also check out our blog post detailing the recommended installation heights for hair dryers too!

Below you will find some recommendations based on well-known brands which we hope you will find useful. If you have any concerns, please consult the manufacturers manual. If you go to any electric hand dryer model on our website, the installation instructions can be found in the downloads section shown in the image below.

Please note there are things to consider and options available when installing a hand dryer above a sink.

Installation of conventional wall mounted hand dryers

For ‘hands under’ hand dryers including high speed and conventional hand dryers the following applies:

From the air outlet to the floor:

  • Men’s washrooms – 1170 mm
  • Women’s washrooms – 1120 mm
  • Children’s washrooms, ages 4-7 – 810 mm
  • Children’s washrooms, ages 7-10 – 910 mm
  • Children’s washrooms, ages 10-13 – 1020 mm
  • Children’s washrooms, ages 13-17 – 1120 mm
  • Disabled Mounting Height – 940mm

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Consider adding an evapor8 wall guard

When you are installing a hand dryer it is important to consider any accessories like wall protectors you may need to add. If there is any kind of skirting or obstructions under the hand dryer, you will need to allow for this and the 800mm height of the evaporate8 wall guards.

Installation of blade hand dryers

For ‘blade’ hand dryers such as the mitsubishi jet towel or the Dyson Airblade the following heights are recommended:

Align the top of the hand dryer above the floor to:

  • Male – 1050 mm
  • Female – 975 mm
  • Child/Disabled – 875 mm

Please note that blade hand dryers require different levels of clearance space in order to access the drip tray or other serviceable parts. Please consult the manufacturers’ instructions. It is also worth noting that these heights are based on average UK heights for male, females and children of different age groups. If you are looking from another country, you may want to slightly adapt based on the average height of that country.

Here at Intelligent Hand Dyers UK we like to make things as easy as possible for you the end user, the architect, the wholesaler and the contractor. We have made our website the best resource for hand dryer information such as accurate dry times, energy consumption, costs per dry and more. You will not find another site with such quality, truthful and expert information about hand dryers. We truly are the experts in the industry.

The site includes energy and performance comparisons against all the major brands such as Dyson Airblade , Airforce , G-Force , Mediclinics , Airdri hand dryers and much more.

For more information or for help in finding your ideal hand dryer , please contact us on 0114 3540047, use our contact us or visit our website.

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