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2Pack - 5ltr Alcohol Hand And Surface Sanitiser LIQUID SPRAY Refill


(Delivery from €34.99)



  • Packs of 2 (2 x 5ltr containers; 10L total)
  • Kills 99.99% bacteria and viruses on hands
  • 70% alcohol content
  • BSEN 1276 and 1500 approved
  • Dermatologically tested
  • Works instantly against bacteria and other microbes, including even the most dangerous hospital super-bugs
  • Includes Aloe Vera to leave hands feeling extra smooth
  • Easy to pour into your existing liquid spray sanitiser dispensers


Pack of 2 (2 x 5ltr containers; 10L total). This hand sanitiser LIQUID SPRAY in 5ltr quantities contains 70% alcohol, providing hand disinfecting, killing 99.99% bacteria and viruses on hands when soap and water is not available. To keep the hands moisturised and soft it contains Aloe Vera. Works instantly against bacteria and other microbes, including even the most dangerous hospital super-bugs

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