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11.3551 Dolphin Wall Mounted Bulk Pack Toilet Tissue Dispenser

Dolphin  |  Code: 11.3551

(Delivery from €34.99)


Finish: Brushed Satin


  • Available in a Brushed Satin Finish
  • Dimensions: H280 x W134 x D111 (mm)
  • Material: 304 Grade Stainless Steel
  • Capacity: 1x Bulk Pack
  • Wall Mounted
  • Usage: Low Traffic Areas
  • Weight: 1.5kg
  • Viewing Windows


This is a surface mounted toilet tissue dispenser from Dolphin. It is manufactured from a high quality 304 stainless steel. 11.3551 is designed to be used with bulk pack toilet tissue and can hold 1 pack. A flush mounted lock and key are provided, helping to prevent theft. Viewing windows on the side of the unit help with maintaining paper levels. Designed to be installed onto walls or partitions.

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