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The trusted independent experts for hand dryers and washrooms since 2012

B-635 Klutch Mobile Device Holder

Code: B-635.MBLK

(Delivery from €34.99)


Finish: Black


  • Keeps mobile devices safe and secure
  • Integrated bag hook
  • ADA-compliant
  • Three year warranty
  • Can be used within the cubicle or washroom environment
  • Easy installation


The Klutch B-635 keeps mobile devices safe and secure when visiting the washroom.  The sleek and compact unit comes in an exquisite stainless steel satin finish which complements the plushest of décor.  Not only will it keep your devices protected from wet environments it has an integrated bag hook which holds up to 136 Kg and can accommodate multiple items. Fully ADA-compliant with no grasping or twisting to use.  This can be located anywhere in the washroom including next to sinks, in cubicles and next to baby changing stations.


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