8 signs it’s time for a new washroom
Imagine stepping into a washroom where the fixtures are tarnished with rust, surfaces bear the marks of persistent grime, and the whole thing smells like the 90s. Such environments not...
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Imagine stepping into a washroom where the fixtures are tarnished with rust, surfaces bear the marks of persistent grime, and the whole thing smells like the 90s. Such environments not...
When looking at our website you’ll likely notice mentions of brushed vs brushless motors, but you might not have an understanding of what this means, and why it should be...
Both male and female student washrooms were to be fully refurbished in the main building as they were tired looking and the busiest in a school with 1200+ students. The...
There are a huge number of hand dryers available to buy, to the point where it can almost be overwhelming. The range that we carry at Intelligent Hand Dryers is...
Dryflow Infinity The Dryflow Infinity is the ‘premium’ hand dryer in the Dryflow range, designed to be market leading in aesthetics, performance, and functionality. A highly engineered, viable alternative to...
Dryflow Bulletdri Please note this is a review of the standard Bulletdri hand dryer, not the extra long-life, brushless motor version. The Bulletdri is an ADA (American Disabilities Act) compliant hand...
There are a couple of standout elements of the Dyson V that usually make it difficult to substitute, but not anymore.
Cambridge University has a number of sites across the city of Cambridge. The site of this case study was the Sidgwick Site which is the home of the Faculty of...
When it comes to carbon emissions, hand dryers are a hot topic. This debate has raged, and we are happy to report the science came back in our favour. Is...
Want to know the truth about the Intelligent Hand Dryers team? We’re a ragtag bunch of misfits. A bunch of unique characters from diverse backgrounds. Thankfully, we’ve stumbled upon an...
A hand dryer supply company on a crusade against paper towels? Yeah, you read that right. Intelligent Hand Dryers is leading the charge against the unrecyclable, messy, expensive scourge littering...
The Savortex Ecocurve 550A is the basic product in the Savortex range, not to be confused with the SMART technology version which is the 550D. We look at whether this...
Savortex EcoCurve 550D The Savortex EcoCurve 550D with SMART technology is the only hand dryer to not only be designed in the UK, but also be manufactured here. It...
Bamboo Bobbi Catering for children in the washroom is a must to ensure they adhere to correct hand hygiene, reducing the spread of germs. The Dryflow Bamboo Bobbi Hand Dryer...
Dryflow EcoWave The Ecowave is an attractive unit, specified by some major coffee and fast-food chains in the UK but is it a good buy, we ask our expert! The...
We have selected the 10 best hand dryers for school environments from the latest 2023-24 models. The list is based on consumer feedback and takes into account, value for money,...